Geospatial Analysis: Innovation in GIS for Better Decision Making

Join MEASURE Evaluation December 10 at 10:00 am EST for a webinar on new techniques in geospatial analysis and how they have the potential to transform data-informed decision making.

Geospatial Analysis Webinar

Join MEASURE Evaluation December 10 at 10:00 am EST for a webinar on new techniques in geospatial analysis and how they have the potential to transform data-informed decision making. The webinar will be led by John Spencer, Senior GIS Technical Specialist for MEASURE Evaluation, and Mark Janko, Predoctoral Trainee with the Carolina Population Center and affiliated with UNC-Chapel Hill's Departments of Biostatistics & Geography, Spatial Health Research Group, and MEASURE Evaluation.

Global expansion of mobile phones, portable and handheld computers, and internet access has revolutionized the global health sector’s ability to improve access to and synthesis of large amounts of information. Improved geospatial analysis tools and methodologies, coupled with the vast data resources now available, offer opportunities for health programs to better understand (in real time) how diseases are spread and where they cluster, how people move through space, where facilities are located, how the location of health resources affect health outcomes, the impact of transportation routes on service use, and many more issues. 

The webinar presentation will cover:

  • Recent improvements in access to data
  • Increased availability of tools that allow people to see and process geospatial data
  • Promising analytical methods and the types of questions they answer
  • Next steps for the field

Register to attend the webinar. 

When Dec 10, 2015
from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where Webinar
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Filed under: Data , GIS , Geographic Information Systems , Mapping
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