Morocco: Reproductive and Child Health Programs

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Year: 2003

Morocco: Reproductive and Child Health Programs Abstract:
This document is a synthesis of a series of four reports, which were originally titled "Morocco: 30 Years of Collaboration between USAID and the Ministry of Health, a Retrospective Analysis." This series documented the joint efforts of these two organizations from 1971 to 2000. This document provides a model for USAID in developing health partnerships in other countries, as well as a model for Morocco both within its own health care system and in its exchanges with developing countries eager to achieve similar successes in maternal and child health. There are ten sections of this 72-page report: an introduction, USAID/Ministry of Health projects, the Family Planning program, the Child Health program, the Safe Motherhood program, the Safe Motherhood Program, the Fight Against STI/HIV/AIDS, results of collaboration between USAID and the Moroccan Ministry of Health, factors contributing to the success of the USAID/MOH collaboration, actions promoting program sustainability, and future challenges for reproductive and child health in Morocco. A French-language version of this report, Royaume du Maroc: Programmes de sante reproductive et infantile, is also available.

Filed under: HIV/AIDS , Maternal Health , Reproductive Health , Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) , Child Health