Percent of eligible children in growth monitoring / promotion (MP)

Percent of eligible children in growth monitoring/promotion (MP).

The number of children in growth monitoring/promotion.

The number of eligible children in the population.

Sex and age.

The classification of “in growth monitoring/promotion” is meant to reflect the total number of children whose weight has been monitored in clinic- and/or village-based activities. This number may be the total number of children weighed in the ‘round’ immediately before the reporting period, or it may be an estimate of the ‘usual’ total number of children attending weighing activities over the reporting period.

How the numerator is derived is not necessarily important, but it is most important to report clearly how the estimate was made. Because attendance at GMP programs varies widely with age, this number will be more meaningful if it is age specific - e.g., <12 months, 12-<24 months, 24-<60 months (ages reported will be influenced by the target age group of the project).

Usually the most reliable estimates of the denominator (i.e. number of eligible children in the population, by gender and age), will be those the project has gathered as part of its baseline survey, or other data collection activities.

Routine facility information systems

Household surveys

This indicator supports program management by providing information on coverage,
and targeting, and may provide a useful basis for supervision of field staff. The indicator also provides information on context, or some explanation, in the reporting of anthropometric impact indicators; and provides an indication of patterns of, or trends in, service delivery and use. It thus has potential to demonstrate successes of efforts to achieve specified project results

The indicator does not inform on the consequences or actions taken to support children participating in growth monitoring and promotion activities who are found to be underweight (or overweight).

Pediatric care, Nutrition, Child health

Cogill, Bruce. Anthropometric Indicators Measurement Guide. Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for Educational Development, Washington DC, 2001.

Filed under: Child health , Nutrition , Pediatric care