Strengthening Health Information Systems in Nigeria—Building an OVC Information System

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
MEASURE Evaluation, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development, has been working in Nigeria since 2005 to improve the availability of high-quality data to support decision making at all levels of the health system. This work fulfilled two main objectives:
1) Support the Department of Health Planning, Research and Statistics of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health to develop a master facility list to improve data quality and ultimately lead to better coordination of health services
2) Work with the Federal Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Social Development to develop a directory of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) service providers and build capacity to use OVC data collection tools for the National OVC Management Information System (NOMIS)
We have mapped the HIS strengthening interventions to support each objective in two separate fact sheets. Each fact sheet superimposes on the HISSM depictions of MEASURE Evaluation’s activities in the enabling environment and information generation areas to support HIS performance in meeting the specific objective. By displaying key interventions across the HISSM, we see their strategic interaction, and how this combination of interventions works together to strengthen data quality and data use at all levels of the health system.
This fact sheet documents MEASURE Evaluation's work to support development of a directory of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) service providers and capacity building to use OVC data collection tools for the National OVC Management Information System (NOMIS).
Follow the link to view the related document Strengthening Health Information Systems in Nigeria—Developing a Master Facility List