Monitoring the Integration of Family Planning and HIV Services: A Manual to Support the Use of Indicators to Measure Progress toward PEPFAR’s 90-90-90 Targets and Protect Women’s Reproductive Rights

Author(s): Freyder M, Craig L, Kaji A
Year: 2016
This manual was developed for the family planning (FP) and HIV programs of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), by the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation. We recommend that all USAID missions use additional indicators to track FP/HIV service delivery and client-focused outcomes; examples of such additional indicators appear below in this manual. These indicators have been developed and adapted to help program managers and service delivery providers track information on FP outcomes in HIV service delivery settings. United States Government (USG) programs will use the PEPFAR indicator to demonstrate the scope of FP/HIV integration in their programming. The other indicators will help illustrate the outcomes of the integration.
Women of reproductive age are simultaneously at risk both for HIV and unwanted pregnancy, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. There, women living with HIV (WLHIV) and women at risk for HIV—especially adolescent girls and young women, sex workers, and female injecting drug users—also face high unmet need for FP. The integration of FP and HIV services is a strategy that is increasingly used to meet the contraceptive needs of HIV-positive women and couples. A new collaborative vision of PEPFAR and USAID seeks to ensure that women living with HIV and women at high risk for HIV have access to a full range of contraceptive options and to safe conception and safe pregnancy counseling.