Report on the Review of Sierra Leone’s National Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 2016–2020: Addendum to the Malaria Programme Review

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2020
The Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation’s National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) developed and launched the Sierra Leone Malaria Strategic Plan (SLMSP) 2016–2020, which was based on recommendations from the malaria program review (MPR) 2013, the recognition of the impact of malaria interventions, and the Sierra Leone Health Sector Recovery Plan 2015–2020. The SLMSP has guided the implementation of key malaria interventions as Sierra Leone continues to strengthen the country’s effort in the fight against malaria.
The SLMSP follows the guiding principles of the broader National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2010–2015, the Sierra Leone Health Recovery Plan 2015–2020, the National Ebola Strategy for Sierra Leone 2015–2017, and the Basic Package of Essential Health Services 2010 (revised 2015). Among these principles are universal coverage with proven malaria interventions; equity, equality, and nondiscrimination; participation and accountability; and the right to the health elements of availability, accessibility, acceptability, adequacy, quality, and contiguous expansion of interventions.
The national malaria monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan 2016–2020 was developed alongside the SLMSP. The malaria M&E plan 2016–2020 is aligned to the SLMSP 2016–2020 and contains priority indicators that the NMCP uses to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the intervention strategies and track the performance of the malaria program.
The objectives of the M&E plan review were as follows:
- To review the existing malaria M&E plan 2016–2020
- To provide recommendations for developing a well-aligned comprehensive national M&E plan in preparation for the national malaria strategy 2021–2025
- To build consensus on the understanding of a specific, measurable, relevant, attainable, and time-based (“SMART”) and actionable malaria M&E plan
- To contribute to the MPR