MEASURE Evaluation Capability Statement: Evaluation

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
MEASURE Evaluation has experience conducting a wide range of types of evaluation, including impact evaluation. In addition to building the evidence of what works for programs, we add to global knowledge about health system strengthening interventions, such as the effects of improvements of routine health information systems; the effects of investments in HIV on other health systems; and the effects of adopting integrated or multisectoral programs and referral systems. Another area of expertise is the evaluation of structural interventions, such as those related to underlying gender norms.
To help build the capacity of local professionals to conduct rigorous evaluations, MEASURE Evaluation weaves together the functions of evaluation implementation with experiential learning and training. These professionals can turn to us for technical advice as they implement evaluations, acquiring and reinforcing their skills in the process. We also support opportunities for formal training, through local and regional workshops and by incorporating advanced methods in graduate school curricula.
MEASURE Evaluation offers expertise in a full range of evaluation procedures, including the development of rigorous study designs, protocol development, ethical research practices (including access to U.S.-based and in-country ethics review boards), sample-size estimations, questionnaire development, statistical methods, costing methods, qualitative methods, and biomarker measurement.