M&E Fundamentals Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an essential component of any intervention, project, or program. This mini-course covers the basics of program monitoring and evaluation in the context of population, health and nutrition programs. It also defines common terms and discusses why M&E is essential for program management.

Eléments de base de S&E Le suivi et évaluation (S&E) est un volet essentiel de toute intervention, tout projet ou programme. Ce mini-cours, qui s’inscrit dans cette logique, traite des fondamentaux du suivi et évaluation de programme dans le cadre des programmes pour les populations, des programmes de santé et de nutrition. Il définit également les termes usuels et indique pourquoi le S&E est essentiel pour la gestion des programmes.
Fundamentos de Monitoreo y Evaluación El monitoreo y la evaluación son componentes esenciales en la ejecución de cualquier intervención, proyecto o programa. Este cursillo abarca los fundamentos de monitoreo y evaluación de programas de población, salud y nutrición. Además, incluye definiciones de algunos términos y explica por qué el monitoreo y la evaluación son fundamentales para la gestión de programas.
Fundamentos de Monitoria e Avaliação Este mini-curso aborda os fundamentos de monitoria e avaliação de programas no contexto de programas de nutrição, saúde e população. Ele também define termos comuns e discute porque a M&A é essencial para a administração de um programa.
CÁC NGUYÊN TẮC CƠ BẢN VỀ GIÁM SÁT VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ Giám sát và đánh giá (M&E) là thành phần thiết yếu của bất kì một can thiệp, một dự án hay một chương trình nào. Khoá học này bao gồm những khái niệm cơ bản về giám sát và đánh giá chương trình trong bối cảnh các chương trình về dân số, sức khỏe và dinh dưỡng. Khóa học cũng đưa ra những định nghĩa về các thuật ngữ thông dụng và thảo luận tại sao M&E cần thiết cho việc quán lý chương trình.
Data Demand and Use This course aims to provide the conceptual basis for data-informed decision making within an organization or program, or at the national, state, or district levels of government. Also included in the course are introductions to several tools created by MEASURE Evaluation to facilitate the use of data in decision making.
Geographic Approaches to Global Health This course will teach learners how to use spatial data to enhance the decision-making process for health program implementation in limited resource settings.
GIS Techniques for M&E of HIV/AIDS and Related Programs This course presents a practical guide for using a geographic information system (GIS) to integrate, visualize, and analyze geographically-referenced data extracted from the Demographic and Health Surveys and other key data sets to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS and related health programs.
Addressing Equity in Health This course presents the EQUITY Framework for Health, which provides practical guidance on how to ensure that the voices of the poor are actively engaged in policymaking and that pro‐poor strategies are incorporated throughout the policy‐to‐action process.
Fundamentals of Implementation Research An introduction to the language, concepts, tools, and strategies used in implementation research (IR). The information is intended to be practical and useful for researchers and program implementers as an orientation to IR.
Principes fondamentaux de la recherche en matière de mise en oeuvre Ce module est une introduction au vocabulaire, aux concepts, aux outils et aux stratégies utilisés dans la RMO. Il se veut une orientation pratique et utile à la RMO pour les chercheurs et les responsables de la mise en oeuvre des programmes.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Malaria Programs This course gives an overview of the fundamental concepts of monitoring and evaluation as they specifically relate to malaria prevention and control programs. It provides an overview of malaria basics, the scope and important functions of M&E and the essential elements of M&E plans for malaria programs.
Suivi et évaluation des programmes de lutte contre le paludisme Ce module fournit une introduction aux concepts de base du paludisme, y compris ce qu’est le paludisme et la manière dont il est transmis, l’épidémiologie et le fardeau du paludisme, les efforts déployés au niveau mondial pour lutter contre le paludisme, et une description des principales interventions pour prévenir et lutter contre le paludisme. |