
MEASURE Evaluation worked in Honduras assisting with HIV, family planning, and mother-to-child health data collection and developing resources.

The Central American country of Honduras is experiencing major transitions as it undergoes the most rapid urbanization in Central America, with government upheavals rocking its political stability. 

Poverty and limited access to quality healthcare pose enormous challenges to many Hondurans. According to the World Bank, approximately two-thirds of the population lives at or below the poverty line. Rural populations are particularly disadvantaged, while those in urban areas are better-off.

Family planning has been an issue of particular concern. The country has a high maternal and infant mortality rate, due in part to adolescent pregnancy, limited access to maternal and child health services, and water and sanitation deficiencies. While fertility has fallen considerably over the past decade, a substantial gap between urban and rural populations persists.

Honduras reported its first case of HIV in 1985. After reaching a peak in the mid-1990s, adult prevalence slowly declined. Honduras is described as having a concentrated HIV/AIDS epidemic, with substantial variations among geographic regions and across risk groups. MEASURE Evaluation worked in Honduras until 2012.

Support by MEASURE Evaluation included:

  • Assisting with HIV, family planning, and mother-to-child health data collection.
  • Development of indicator reference sheets and standard reporting formats for implementing partners working in health.
  • Database and data registration assistance to implementing partners.
  • Field visits to assess implementing partners’ monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems.
  • Facilitation of quarterly monitoring and coordination meetings for USAID and implementing partners.
  • Facilitating multiple data demand and use (DDU) workshops, with a training focus on building coaching and training skills in DDU, applying DDU tools, and adapting DDU materials for regional workshops.

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Filed under: Data Demand and Use , Fertility , Honduras , HIV/AIDS
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